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code V00301  
Automatic dual installation for 35mm film including:
2 Victoria  5  35mm  MI   forward/reverse  projectors  (patented) each  complete with self-cooled mechanism,  gate
release  during reverse, reverse  scan  reader  with  red LED and power  supply, optical  sound  head  with  magnetic
flywheel, oil damper, with third sprocket, disc type shutter, standard sprockets, safety dowser  with remote control,
electrical changeover control (sound and picture), three phase motor with electronic control for single phase 220V
50Hz operation (24 FPS forward and 30 FPS reverse), stabilized power supply (d.c. from  single phase),  electronic
lower and upper double sided  film break switches with adjustable time  delay, radio-frequency  triple signal pick-off,
auto-manual switch, arm and  clutches (weight  compensated take-up) for  3000m. spools (12.7mm  dia. spindles),
upper and lower loop absorbers, box type pedestal stand 2 three aspect ratios aperture plates (aspect ratios to be
advised) - set of levelling  screws  and framing lamp, switch and pilot lamp for rectifier control
1 Vector  2000  automation cabinet  with microprocessor, 14" video, keyboard, video card and 6 interface cards  for
external circuits control


Производитель Cinemeccanica
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